
  • Pirogovo museum

    The Pirogovo Museum is a popular open-air museum in Kiev, Ukraine, that showcases traditional Ukrainian culture and architecture. It’s an excellent destination for anyone interested in learning about Ukrainian history…

  • Museum of Corruption

    The Museum of Corruption is a fascinating destination that sheds light on Ukraine’s history and the corruption that had plagued the country. The museum is located in the Mezhyhirya, which…

  • Most important historical places and museums

    Most Important historical places and museums in Kyiv: St .Michael Golden Domes monastery, St. Sophia cathedral, St. Andrews church and decent, Golden Gate. -St. Michael Golden-Domed Monastery is a historic…

  • Kyivan Rus Park

    Church in Kievan Rus park KyevanRus park entertainment riding horses Park Kyivanrus The park of Kievan Rus is a wonderful place for watching, as it is located not far from…